Andrew HandelMay 8ALEC Policy Champions: Missouri Sen. Andrew Koenig and Rep. Doug Richey Expand Education FreedomBy: Andrew Handel We are proud to announce Missouri Senator Andrew Koenig and Representative Doug Richey as the latest ALEC Policy...
Joe D'OrsieApr 16Pennsylvania Can Learn From Louisiana Representative’s School Choice StandBy: Joe D'Orsie This op-ed originally ran in The Epoch Times. Joe D'Orsie, Pennsylvania State Representative, wrote in The Epoch Times...
Press ReleaseApr 9Education Freedom Alliance Announces Govs. Kim Reynolds and Doug Ducey as Co-ChairsCoalition Launched by Job Creators Network, Committee to Unleash Prosperity, and American Legislative Exchange Council Encourages 25...
Mesha Mainor and Alfredo OrtizApr 8Georgia’s Education Freedom Allows Poor and Minority Students To Follow In Our FootstepsBy: Mesha Mainor and Alfredo Ortiz This op-ed originally ran in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Mesha Mainor, Georgia State...